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  • Main section : General Details : .

        • Sub section : Rituals Of Hajj – Umrah .

              • Topic : MEEQAATS FOR WEARING IHRAM .



There are special places designated by the sacred rules of Islam for wearing ihram and it is obligatory to wear the ihram there. These places are called Meeqaat and are nine of them :

(1) Dhul Hulaifah which is situated near Madinah and is the meeqaat for the people of Madinah and all those who wish to perform the pilgrimage travelling from Madinah. As a matter of caution, it is preferred that it be worn, if possible, in the mosque which is there known as Masjid-ul-Shajarah in which case it is insufficient to wear ihram outside except for ladies in menstruation.

It is not permissible to delay wearing ihram from Dhul Hulaifah and wearing it at Johfa except if necessary to do so by reason of sickness or weakness or other cause.

(2) Wadi-ul-Aqeeq which is the meeqaat for the people of Iraq and Najd and those passing through there. It has three parts: Maslakh, Ghamrah and Dhat Erq. According to the preferred view, a pilgrim should wear his ihram before reaching Dhat Erq if there is no impediment by way of dissimulation (taqiyyah) or illness.

It has been said that in dissimulation, it is permitted to wear ihram secretly before Dhat Erq without removing all clothes. On reaching there the clothes may be removed and ihram worn without incurrig any penalty. However, this opinion is arguable.

(3) Johfa which is the meeqaat for the people of Syria, Egypt and the West and those who pass from there if they have not worn ihram earlier at Dhul Hulaifa either with or without excuse.

(4) Yalamlam which is the meeqaat for the people of Yemen and those who pass from there. It is the name of a mountain.

(5) Qarn-ul-Manaazil which is the meeqaat for the people of Taif and all those who pass through that route. The last four meeqaats, i.e. numbers (2) to (5), are not only the mosques there but the places themselves so considered. If the pilgrim is unable to specify the exact place, he can wear ihram by making a vow (nadhr) before reaching the meeqaat.

(6) Any place parallel to one of the meeqaats above mentioned: If a person takes a route which does not cross any of the meeqaats above mentioned, then he must wear ihram from any place which is parallel to a meeqaat, that is to say, a place at which, when he faces the Holy Kaaba, one of the meeqaats would be to his right or left and when he proceeds from that point to Makkah, the meeqaat would be behind him. It is sufficient to use common sense to determine if he has reached such point and it is not necessary to take exact measurements.

If a person takes a route on which he reaches a place at which becomes parallel to two meeqaats, then, as a matter of precaution, it is recommended that he should wear ihram on reaching the first of such two places.

(7) Makkah which is the meeqaat for Hajj-ul-Tamat'toe. It is also a meeqaat for people resident in Makkah and its neighbourhood who perform Qiraan or Ifraad. As a matter of precaution, one should wear ihram at a place within the area considered as part of the ancient Makkah at the time of the Holy Prophet (saaw), although it is permissible to wear it at one of the new places recently built except those which would fall outside the Haram.

(8) The pilgrim's home is the meeqaat for those who are nearer to Makkah than the meeqaat as it is permissible for them to wear ihram from their homes and are not obliged to return to a meeqaat.

(9) The nearest border of Hill like Hudaybiyyah or Jo'ranah or Taneem: It is the meeqaat for Umrat-ul-Mufradah after the Hajj-ul-Qiraan or Ifraad and all Umrat-ul-Mufradah by those in Makkah.


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