The prayers after tawaaf
The third obligation in the Umrat-ul-Tamat'toe consists of two rakaats to be recited after the Tawaaf. It is recited like the Fajr prayers except that the reciter has the option to recite it aloud or silently. It is obligatory to recite it close to Maqaame Ibrahim (a.s.) and, as a matter of caution, it is clear that it must be recited at its rear. If it is not possible to do so, one may recite them on one of its both sides in addition to reciting them far from the Maqaam but at its rear. If this is not possible, any of the two is sufficient. However, if this is not possible either, then one may recite them anywhere in the Mosque, as a mater of caution, as close to the Maqaam as possible.This is the rule when the Tawaaf is obligatory but when it is optional, one may pray anywhere in the Mosque.