There are five kinds to be considered:
1. If there is no intention to make any additions as part of the Tawaaf being performed or another Tawaaf, for example that it was intended to make one more round assuming that it was recommended to do so, any addition made does not invalidate the Tawaaf.
2. If at the commencement or in the course of a Tawaaf an intention is formed to make an addition as part of the Tawaaf being performed, it is undoubtedly invalid and has to be performed again.
3. If after completion of the Tawaaf, any addition made is considered part of the Tawaaf performed, then it is clear that the Tawaaf becomes invalid.
4. If the addition is intended to be part of another Tawaaf, the other Tawaaf will need to be completed but it will not be valid as two Tawaafs will have been joined except if both the Tawaafs are not obligatory ones, but it is discouraged to join two Tawaafs.
5. If the addition is intended to be part of another Tawaaf which per chance was not completed, there is neither addition nor connection but the Tawaaf is none the less invalid as it lacks the intention of attaining nearness to Allah. Similar will be the case if the pilgrim intends at the commencement or in the course of the Tawaaf to make an addition knowing of the invalidity of the connection between the two Tawaafs as there would be no certainty of the intention to obtain nearness, even if the connection does not materialise out of accident.
If a pilgrim makes addition to his Tawaaf by oversight, then if he remembers after reaching the Iraqi corner he must complete that addition as a complete Tawaaf with the intention of attaining nearness to Allah, without specifying it to be obligatory or recommended. Then he must recite four rakaats, and preferably separate them by reciting two for the obligatory Tawaaf before Saee and the other two for the recommended Tawaaf after Saee. As a matter of caution, the same rule applies if he remembers before reaching the Iraqi corner.